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Your source for all things search engine optimization (SEO), including breaking news, algorithm updates, guides, strategies, tactics, tips, trends, tools, and more!
Yahoo braced the world and its investors at a Goldman Sachs investment conference last month when Yahoo CEO Terry Semel told investors that a slowdown...
Google published its 2006 Q3 earnings results yesterday which helped to fortify Google’s dominance of web search, search engine marketing, and online advertising as a...
One of my responsibilities as a professional blogger in the search engine news world is to keep taps on the many search engine marketing and...
Over at Search Engine Watch, Brian Smith takes a deep look in to Microsoft’s answer to Smart Answers and Yahoo Shortcuts; Instant Answers....
StumbleUpon is definitely becoming one of the major Internet navigation and social bookmarking experience sites in the business, and is continuing to grow with smart...
Here’s what the shape of some of the future content and ad deals will look like on video sites (similar to what’s happening over at...
Lee Odden at the Top Rank Blog lists the positives of gaining visibility for a business, site or organization within the News Search Engines of...
Interesting news from the MP3 download cold war going on between the record industries and, the Russian MP3 download site which sells songs and...
Chris Pirillo received an interesting call from StumbleUpon’s Director of Advertising Sales the other morning, which was a sales call for advertising within the StumbleUpon...
One of my favorite online marketing ‘hobbies’ is brainstorming domain names for sites, products, companies and blogs. Admittingly enough, I probably find myself spending about...
Looking for alternatives to generating revenue only via Google AdSense? Blogger John Chow has put together an intense list of online advertising options and networks...
eMarketer just put out a release with some amazing research behind their prediction that Google will pocket 25% of all US Online Advertising Revenue –...
Sure the … story is a fine example of a misspelled or mistaken domain name, but Yahoo’s Buzz Log has just published the...
We’ve covered how to optimize your 404 Error page for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes in the past, making sure all of those dead links...
This afternoon Yahoo announced that it is finally going live with the rollout and transition to its new Yahoo Search Marketing platform, dubbed ‘Panama’. Yahoo...
For a reasonable amount of time, Best of the Web ( has been among the few in setting the standard of quality web directories; giving...
Yesterday two SEO & search engine experts, Rand Fishkin and Bill Slawski, were taking the time to look into the technologies behind two separate search...
Yes, business networking site LinkedIn is now in the yellow pages business. The site has added a “services” directory. It’s a logical extension of LinkedIn’s...
Ex-Microsoft employee and blogging rockstar Robert Scoble recently shared his views and experience with Microsoft’s Search saying that the improved interface and index is...
An email went out over the weekend from the Yahoo Music Service stating that they would be increasing the cost of their monthly music download...
Now that Google Reader has been redesigned, it is much more user friendly, and operates more like a mix between Bloglines, and GMail than...
Lee Odden has been busy blogging over the weekend and posted his follow up interview with Internet, Pectoral & Coffee guru Chris Pirillo which Lee...
MySpace made a silent change to their MySpace Video program over the weekend, adding user uploaded videos to the default MySpace profile in a new...
Wikipedia Unblocked in China for All Languages But Chinese Update It seems the Chinese version of Wikipedia is slowly getting unblocked. In Shanghai it loads... : Small Business Portals Heating Up Again Back when I was part of the founding editorial team at, now about seven years ago...
Google Using Certified Teachers to Reach K-12 Students Google for Educators is a new Google outreach program which offers K-12 teachers the chance to become...
Ask Mobile : On The Road has launched its new mobile search application, Ask Mobile, which is available for use at Ask... : About, Yahoo Answers & Wikipedia All Rolled Into One An alternative to the Q&A services and social media projects at Google Answers, Yahoo... & SuperPages Top IYP’s in Local Search and SuperPages put out dueling press releases yesterday about their success and innovations. Here’s’s release...
Yahoo’s Tim Mayer Addresses Directory Tag Support Search Engine Roundtable’s Podcast, Search Pulse [mp3 file], featured Yahoo’s Tim Mayer this week and remarked on the...
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