David Harry

David Harry

Lead SEO Consultant
Email Author


Verve Developments

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David Harry is the lead SEO at Verve Developments and specializes in SEO audits and forensic analysis. He’s been in the SEO game since 1998 and is also the head geek over at the SEO Training Dojo, a community for SEOs since 2010.


Forensic SEO may be a term that’s used a lot, but what exactly is it? Find out in this post.

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I was recently involved with an interesting situation with (yet another) large brand falling out of the good graces with Google. For those playing along...

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It all about feeding the Beast! If there’s one topic that is as alive today as it was in year past, it’s paid links. Are...

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Convenience or Conspiracy? You Decide. What once started as a convenience for users has, over time, started to sound more like some Orwellian nightmare stalking...

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One strange and creepy patent Imagine if you had a program that would automatically go through the posts on your site/blog and automatically find concepts...

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If there’s one thing that’s made me borderline OCD (happy now Michael?) would be the world of personalized search. Probably more so, behavioural data, is...

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It’s all about happiness metrics A while back I wrote here about how search engines go about discovery, the act of finding your pages. I...

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I was going to sit down and write a post with my usual brand of geekiness. You know, some more eye-watering patent or IR paper...

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  • 163 Reads

Discovery; where SEO starts… Long before you start to worry about actually ranking content, you need to get it into the index. And of course,...

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Seems I am still running into SEOs that believe, however misguided, that conversions are somehow their domain. This seems speak to the fact that many...

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Welcome ot another edition of ‘7 Days of Search and Social‘ – I hope you are well and getting well into another week in the...

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The fine folks here at SEJ recently asked if we’d bring some of our search geekiness for you as part of a ‘Search Geek News’...

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