Barry Schwartz

Barry Schwartz


Rusty Brick, Inc. and SERoundtable

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Google Talk & Contextual Ads Gmail is going to be adding new features that integrates Google Talk, Google’s instant messaging service, with Gmail, Google’s email...

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  • 152 Reads

US Government Wants Search Engine Data Danny Sullivan sums it up nicely in his SEW blog entry named Bush Administration Demands Search Data; Google Says...

  • 2 min read
  • 52 Reads

Links from Pixel Advertising Pages Almost all Webmasters are aware of the Million Dollar Homepage, what a great idea (in hindsight). But let’s look at...

  • 3 min read
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Google AdSense for Domains and Poor Traffic I was reading this disturbing thread over at Search Engine Watch Forums named AdSense For Domains Garbage Traffic....

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Yahoo Free Submit Your Site Broken If you have been trying to submit your site to the Yahoo! Submit Your Site form, you are probably...

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Yahoo Sponsored Listings Getting Face Lift An email went out last night to all Yahoo! Search Marketing (Overture) customers notifying them of new changes to...

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Google Analytics & AdWords Data Inaccurate All the hype on Google Analytics seamlessly working with your AdWords account may be bit too optimistic. And Search...

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  • 168 Reads

Yahoo Publisher Network Targeting Working? DigitalPoint forum members discuss the pros and cons of targeting with YPN. The thread creator rationalizes that since YPN only...

  • 2 min read

Does Google Read Your CSS Files? In the past, everyone knew that Google and the other engines, stayed away from your CSS files. However, after...

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  • 1.7K Reads

MSN Addresses MSN adCenter Complaints There has been this two page thread at Search Engine Watch Forums named MSN AdCenter Rough Start which has a...

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Request for Features for MSN adCenter Looks like msndude is both the organic guy and ppc guy at WebmasterWorld forums. MSNdude posted a thread at...

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  • 22 Reads

Country Specific Searches and Paid Search Ads A very interesting featured thread at Search Engine Watch forums named Google places “Dummy Bidders” in Regional Search...

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  • 30 Reads

Yahoo Search Marketing Changing Ad Copy A thread at WebmasterWorld named Does Yahoo Change Your Ad Copy? discusses a annoyance some advertisers are having with...

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  • 39 Reads