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LinkedIn Data Shows Rise of Remote Marketing Jobs in US

LinkedIn reports a substantial rise in the amount of remote marketing jobs in the US.

A new report from LinkedIn shows there’s a steady rise in the amount of remote jobs available for US-based marketers.

In particular, remote roles for digital marketing specialists and copywriters grew in demand over the past 6 months as companies became more comfortable with work-from-home teams.

‘SEO specialist’ is among the top 5 marketing jobs highest in demand for remote positions.

The popularity of remote work is up in general, but the growth of remote marketing jobs is particularly high compared to other categories.

As of May 20th, the percentage of paid job postings on LinkedIn that offered “remote work” had risen by 457% compared to one year earlier.

For marketing roles, the amount of remote job listings increased by 177% in the last 6 months.

LinkedIn’s data shows remote jobs get more applicants. They’re said to be twice as popular as conventional listings in terms of how many people apply.

Here’s more from LinkedIn’s report, including specific job titles that are growing in demand.

Top 10 In-Demand Remote Marketing Jobs

LinkedIn’s report lists these as the top 10 marketing job titles that are growing in demand from a remote standpoint.

  1. Digital Marketing Specialist
  2. Copywriter
  3. Digital Marketing Manager
  4. Search Engine Optimization Specialist
  5. Content Writer
  6. Social Media Manager
  7. Marketing Manager
  8. Media Buyer
  9. Social Media Marketing Specialist
  10. Account Manager

The “remote revolution,” as LinkedIn is calling it, includes a full range of marketing specializations.

There’s demand for content marketers, social media marketers, SEOs, digital strategists, and more.

Interestingly, the rise in remote work has led to a shortage of marketing professionals to fill office positions.

The next section has highlights from LinkedIn’s report on where the demand for in-person talent is strongest right now.

Cities With Greatest Demand For Markters

As marketers get used to the work-from-anywhere nature of their remote positions, they’re taking the opportunity to escape high costs of living in big cities.

This correlates to big cities now showing the greatest need for marketers in roles that require them to go into an office.

LinkedIn’s data shows demand is highest in these metro regions:

  • New York City Metropolitan Area
  • San Francisco Bay Area
  • Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
  • Greater Chicago Area
  • Greater Boston

Also included in LinkedIn’s report is data on salaries for senior and entry-level marketers, and which cities are paying the most right now.

For complete details see the LinkedIn marketing solutions blog.

More About The Report

This is the third in a series of four installments that explores LinkedIn’s new report, “The Changing Marketing Jobs Landscape.”

Read the first and the second parts below:

Information is sourced from​ LinkedIn internal data – based on total NAMER jobs in the marketing function listed on LinkedIn from March 30, 2020 to September 29, 2020 compared to September 30, 2020 to March 30, 2021.

For more on which skills are most valuable right across all categories, see LinkedIn’s list of the top 15 most in-demand jobs.

Category News LinkedIn
SEJ STAFF Matt G. Southern Senior News Writer at Search Engine Journal

Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer, has been with Search Engine Journal since 2013. With a bachelor’s degree in communications, ...