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Link Building Metrics: Managing Projects and SEOs [Webinar Recap]


When it comes to link building, be prepared to do the hard work, and add in a bit of ingenuity. “Link building is sweat plus creativity,” as Matt Cutts, Google’s former Head of Webspam team, puts it.

So if your link building campaign is just not cutting it and you’re out of strategies to make it work, or you don’t know how to gauge your campaign’s success, then this webinar recap is for you!

Cody Cahill, Page One Power’s Project Manager, joined SEJ ThinkTank on February 22nd to discuss the essential details of creating consistently effective, innovative, and efficient link building campaigns. He also shared the metrics Page One Power uses to ensure consistent performance and results across a diverse workforce and clientele. Here is a recap of the webinar he gave, including a video recording and his slides.

Key Takeaways on Managing Link Building Teams and Campaigns

During the webinar, Cody gave a 40-minute presentation then took questions live from the audience. To get the most out of his presentation, I highly recommend watching the full video.

Here are a few takeaways:

  • A philosophy defines purpose and drives goals so you should first establish your core philosophies. If your philosophies and goals are not aligned, you won’t achieve success with your link building campaign.
  • The links that will matter the most are the links that are useful to users. For links to have lasting value, they need to offer value to:
    • the site that’s linking to you
    • your own site
    • the person who clicks the link
  • Links should achieve one of the following:
    • Authority
    • Relevancy
    • Consistent click-through traffic
    • Brand visibility
  • Hiring the right people is important to link building campaign success. People are your core product. They are responsible for all work produced. The traits you should hire for include:
    • Communication skills
    • Persuasiveness
    • Intellectual curiosity
    • Critical thinking
    • Organization
    • Independent but collaborative
    • Motivation
  • Foster client relationships by establishing trust. The key to trust is transparency. Keep an open line of communication and set expectations properly.
  • Use proven metrics to objectively analyze performance. Test new metrics to constantly measure future performance.
  • Don’t chase authority ONLY. Balance metrics with relevance and human value.

Resources From Cody’s Webinar

Watch the Full Video

Watch the Video Recap

View Cody’s Slides

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Rina Caballar Editorial Assistant at Search Engine Journal

Rina is the Editorial Assistant for Search Engine Journal. She assists the SEJ team with the editorial process and also ...

Link Building Metrics: Managing Projects and SEOs [Webinar Recap]

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