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#SEJThinkTank Recap: Social Media on a Budget: Best Practices, Tools for SB & Non-Profts


On Wednesday, April 6th, SEJ’s Social Producer, Caitlin Rulien, joined the SEJ Think Tank to give a presentation on how to succeed on social media when you are working with limited resources – either because you have limited time, a small staff, or a very small budget. Her tips and tools are particularly useful if you own or work for a small business or non-profit.

A few Tips Caitlin Shared Include:

  • Determine who your audience is and what drives them.
  • Figure out what channel your target audience is on and focus your efforts there, instead of trying to be everywhere at once.
  • Abide by the 80/20 rule!
  • You can’t do it alone – make the most of the resources you do have, including volunteers and scheduling tools.

Tools & Resources Mentioned: (in the order mentioned)

Listen to these Marketing Nerds episodes to learn more!

Caitlin has been on two episodes of our podcast to share more information on social media and influencer networking. You can listen to them below.

Marketing Nerds Podcast: Social Media Tips for Non-Profits

Marketing Nerds Podcast: Examining Organic Promotion and Influencer Networking


Watch the Video Recap:

View Caitlin’s Slides

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Hacks To Earn 1000+ High Authority Links From US Media With Digital PR

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Danielle Antosz

Danielle is the former Features Editor for Search Engine Journal and the producer of SEJ Marketing Nerds podcast. She lives ...

#SEJThinkTank Recap: Social Media on a Budget: Best Practices, Tools for SB & Non-Profts

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