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Glimpse: The Next Wave of Ephemeral Photo Apps Are Focusing on Privacy [SXSWi Interview]

Murray Newlands interviews Amy Vernon from Glimpse, a new ephemeral photo sharing app at SXSW in Austin, Texas.

Glimpse: The Next Wave of Ephemeral Photo Apps Are Focusing on Privacy [SXSWi Interview]

If we’ve learned anything from Snapchat, it’s this—people love sharing photos, and will stop at nothing (including personal privacy) to do so. With the hype of ephemeral messaging continuing to climb, it seems like it’s the next big trend in the app world, but what does that mean for users? How can you protect yourself and still take part in the fun of disappearing photo messages with your friends? We were curious about the privacy and protection of ephemeral messaging users and that’s exactly what we caught up with Amy Vernon to talk about at SXSW in Austin, Texas.

In our interview, Amy talks about the next wave of ephemeral messaging apps, explaining that although they’re fun, they also have the ability to be harmful to people when used incorrectly, and that’s why the latest apps have placed such an emphasis on user privacy.

To find out more, watch the full interview below:

These are the key takeaways from the video:

  • Glimpse takes the idea of Snapchat and elevates it to so that both the sender and receiver can ensure that their personal privacy is not at stake. According to Amy, the file is actually deleted off of Glimpse’s servers forever once its 8-second life expires. Beyond deleting the files forever, Glimpse also allows senders to decide whether or not their recipients can screenshot the photo, giving them the opportunity to keep certain photos more private or personal if desired.
  • Amy says that the main reason that Glimpse separates itself from a massive competitor such as Snapchat is that it takes privacy seriously and understands that the collective consumer conscience is starting to pay attention to online privacy more and more. People don’t want unflattering content floating around about them online, and with products like Glimpse taking privacy into account, it’s a good first step in protecting users and providing sought-after peace of mind.
  • While Glimpse makes note that they aren’t targeting brands to use their product, it does offer a good avenue for sending engaging content to users and followers to inspire interaction on other channels such as social media.

Please visit SEJ’s YouTube page for more video interviews.

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Murray Newlands CEO at Murray Newlands

Murray Newlands FRSA is an entrepreneur, investor, business advisor and speaker. Newlands is also an adviser to the Draper Nexus ...