Kate Morris

Kate Morris


Distilled Consulting

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Kate Morris is an SEO Consultant for Distilled Consulting in Seattle, WA. You can find her on twitter @katemorris.


There has been a burst of posts about the new Google +1 button and SEO, even an awesome discussion on Sphinn. It does seem to...

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When I first read this AdWords and AdSense post from the Inside AdWords blog, I was dumbfounded. They are against click arbitrage and have been...

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When I was a youngin’ we didn’t have them new fangled thangs like Remarketing or Auto-bidding. No, if we wanted something, we had to work...

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I realized in the past few weeks that I am having a hard time keeping up with the new releases in Google AdWords. They are...

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Here is a look at some of my new favorite features in Google AdWords. I’ll review IP Exclusion, Traffic Estimator Beta, and Search Funnels. IP...

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There are numerous posts on PPC vs SEO, who gets more money, and all that mumbo jumbo. To me, it’s right up there with “SEO...

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Update from the Google Communications team representative: “We recently experienced a technical issue in which some advertisers were having difficulty creating an AdWords My Client...

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Rule #1 in every paid search campaign (PPC) is Identify and Track a Measurable Conversion. For 95% of campaigns this is a must, but there...

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When people ask what the best tips are for PPC, they assume the answer is some tool for bid management, trick in writing ads, or...

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