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A New Feature-Rich SEO FireFox Addon: SEO Doctor

A New Feature-Rich SEO FireFox Addon: SEO Doctor

It looks like Vladimir Prelovac has become our SEJ featured developer. I have already shared his plugin for smart blog interlinking and mentioned another WordPress plugin by him called “Insights”. Today I am sharing his FireFox addon that has been developed for about a year.

SEO Doctor is a newly launched FireFox addon that has tons of useful SEO features; I am looking at only a few of them below (to see the more detailed overview, check out Vladimir’s post).

Status Bar Stats

One of the first features you’ll notice on installation is some cool SEO-relevant stats that loads (on request) in the browser status bar while you are browsing the pages. The numbers displayed stand for:

  • SEO Score represents the result of on-site optimization analysis of the currently viewed page (the flag icon will give you an idea of how well you are doing)
  • Flow shows how much of the Page Rank has been preserved on the site.
  • Links shows number of external links/total links on the page.
  • Visits show estimated number of daily visitors for the site (requires Compete API);
  • Nofollow icon allows you to instantly highlight all nofollow links on the page.

SEO doctor status bar

Now Research Everything in Detail

Inspect Page Links:

Clicking on the status bar stats will reveal a panel containing all the page links. The good thing is that if you have the panel open all the time, it will display links for each new page you land on:

Each link displayed has its count and percentage of total number.You can also export the data to a CSV file.

Page links

Evaluate On-Page SEO:

The STATS tab in the same panel allows you to diagnose the page. It evaluates the following criteria:

  • Image ALT tags;
  • Meta tags;
  • Heading tags;
  • Number of links;
  • “Indexability” of the page (absense / presence of any meta tags preventing proper indexing);
  • URL structure;
  • Page Rank flow:

SEO diagnosis

Each sections expands with the details:

SEO Doctor analysis

Take advantage of Menu options:

Right-clicking on the status bar numbers allows to quickly access quite a few useful tools and resources:

  • Domain registration details
  • Google indexed pages
  • Yahoo backlinks
  • Alexa ranking
  • Compete visitors
  • Quantcast visitors
  • Google website trends
  • Link diagnosis
  • SEMRush analysis
  • IP neighbors
  • Open Site Explorer
  • Back Tweets

SEO doctor menu

Configure the Options

The tool also allows to set a few smart options that include:

  • Ignore www. prefix on domains instructs SEO Doctor to treat www and non-www versions of the domain as a same site for purposes of calculating external links

  • Show stats on document ready will attempt to show the stats even before the document is fully loaded (for the impatient ones)

  • Ignore links containing keywords is for filtering out links in calculations,  for example those that appear on the page only for logged in users etc.

  • Compete API key will allow you to retrieve daily visitors metrics.

SEO doctor options

Looks like an awesome tool, doesn’t it?

Category SEO Tools
Ann Smarty Brand amd Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas

Ann Smarty is the blogger and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. Ann’s expertise in blogging and tools serve as ...