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YouTube More Sticky Than MySpace

YouTube More Sticky Than MySpace

MySpace may be growing in popularity in great leaps and bounds while its homepage has become one of the most visited pages on the Internet, but YouTube is beating MySpace in the much overlooked field of stickiness.

Site stickiness, the amount of time people spend or revisit your site, is defined by MarketingTerms.com as “Stickiness is often measured in the average minutes per month visitors spend at a site or network. Sometimes stickiness is measured in terms of page views.

When defined as minutes per month, site stickiness is a function of number of visits (repeat usage) and time spent per visit (session stickiness).”

But speaking in terms of visits per day, Alexa says that YouTube enjoys a share of 3.9% global Internet visits a day compared to that of 3.35% at MySpace. And get this, according to YouTube the average user spends 28 minutes per session on the site.

The Guardian quotes:

YouTube’s popularity has grown immensely over the first six months of the year. In May its reach outgrew that of the BBC’s websites. [Ha, nice way to rub it in, Guardian!]

According to Nielsen/NetRatings, YouTube’s American user base grew by 297% in the first half of the year.

Its success has been such that a price tag of as much as $1bn (£536bn) – far more than the £332m that Rupert Murdoch paid for MySpace – has been put on the company and rumours are circulating of a possible initial public offering.

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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...