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Want to learn for real how to increase conversion, sales and ROI?

Marketing Experiments is looking for quallified Research Partners for the year 2007 who will work together with MEC using their GrowthEngine technology and methodology on studies with the goal to test the most efficient ways to maximize traffic and increase conversion ratios.

Research areas include the following:

  • Video as a Marketing Tool
  • Site Conversion
  • Pay-per-click Search
  • Organic Search
  • Comparison Shopping Search
  • Permission Based E-mail
  • Order Process Optimization
  • Affiliate Programs

Your company must be willing to invest a marketing budget of at least $5,000 or more into the project.

The investment is almost in every case a win-win situation, because participants usually benefit from their engagement by increasing their conversion, sales and ROI.

Also the experience itself is helpful to gain a lot of knowledge and insights into the methods of methodical tracking, analysis and adaptation of the results into existing websites, something that can be used over and over again, even after the research engagement is long over.

A lot of companies are tracking a lot of things already and collect tons of data. The problem is the lag of actually acting on the data to improve performance. If that sounds familiar, then this is the chance to actually do act this time.

Once committed to a research project the situation changes. No more pushing things away thinking that you should do them, but have no time at the moment .

Yeah yeah, I know those things will be done one day, when the time is right and available. Now be honest, how often did this actually happen? I know how it is myself and just thought about 1 or 2 of those while I am writing this.

Now MEC is not kidding and only doing some small little testing, no, how realistic research results would that be? They: ….

“… have created and tested more than 1 million search terms, have monitored 11,000 shopping baskets per day, have tested 1 million e-mails per month, and monitor approximately 40 concurrent experiments per month.

Recent Research Partners include the New York Times, Reuters, Encyclopedia Britannica, as well as some carefully chosen smaller companies. Each of these organizations experienced significant growth.

The business units we worked with grew from 38% to 548%”

I will see if I can squeeze in somehow, probably only “indirectly” since the $5,000 minimum is higher that the complete annual marketing budget of my resources project Cumbrowski.com. But other projects where I am involved in would definitely fit into this and have the right size and budget. I think I need to do some phone calls next week :).

If you are interested in becoming a research partner check out this page at the Marketing Experiments Website for details.

And to be 100% FTC compliant: This post is NOT a paid endorsement of the products or services of Marketing Experiments. I don’t get a dime, free tickets, products or anything else out of this (may be I do now hehe).

I am a subscriber of their Newsletter and got invited as every other subscriber and honestly think that it is something to consider for your business and that it could potentially benefit from it. Aehm may be I got the FTC statement wrong and I don’t have to disclose that I am not compensated for this. Also not by Loren for writing here at Search Engine Journal, but hey better safe than sorry :).

Carsten Cumbrowski
Now some endorsement (Do I have to disclose it if I am promoting myself? Where is my attorney when I need him. 😉 ). My Web Analytics Resources was praised by several people so I thought it would be worth mentioning because this post is related to that topic.

Category Tools Web Dev SEO
Carsten Cumbrowski

Carsten Cumbrowski has years of experience in Affiliate Marketing and knows both sides of the business as the Affiliate and ...