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Sprint’s Wireless Music Store for Cell Phones

Sprint’s Wireless Music Store for Cell Phones

Sprint today joined iTunes & Cingular in the mobile music download market as they launched their wireless music store for Sprint customers to download music and play songs on their mobile phone players. Sprint Nextel Corp’s wireless music download store will be charging customer’s $2.50 for two different formatted versions of each song track.

One version of the track will be for playing on the mobile phones, the other for transferring to one’s computer or MP3 player. Sprint said in a statement that there are currently two phones by Sanyo and Samsung which are supporting the music download service; the MM-9000 by SANYO and the MM-A940 by Samsung.

Sprint’s music store, unlike Apple and Yahoo’s catalogs of over 1 million songs, is offering 250,000 tracks to choose from. Music labels distributing tracks on the service include EMI Music, Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group and Universal Music Group.

Note : For those of you who think that the Apple Motorla ROKR is a prelude to a poor adoption of music player cell phones, think again. Music downloading mobile phones and wiress music downlod services are RED HOT in Japan right now and it is only a matter of time before the trend takes off in the US with larger memory storage capacities on the way. Why carry both an MP3 player and a phone, when you can have one miniature device which works as a phone, camera, and iPod all rolled into one.

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SEJ STAFF Loren Baker Founder at Foundation Digital

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ...