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Understanding Dynamic Google SEO

Learn how your Google rankings change based on a user's location, how Google Knowledge Graph can affect your ranking, and how to optimize your business.


On February 18, nearly 300 people joined the SEJ ThinkTank for a webinar presentation and extended Q&A session with SEJ founder Loren Baker regarding dynamic Google SEO. SEJ Executive Editor Kelsey Jones was moderator.

Loren gave an extremely insightful presentation looking at how your Google rankings change based on where a user is located, how Google Knowledge Graph can affect your ranking, and what you can do to optimize your business.

During and after the webinar, the SEJ team also live tweeted and answered questions from the audience on Twitter using the #SEJThinkTank hashtag.

Watch the full video below:

You can also view his slides on Slideshare:

Tools Loren Mentioned:

Throughout his presentation, Loren mentioned several tools you can use do research and improve your conversion rates. Here is a list of every tool he mentioned, plus a short description of features.


This is a tool you will hear Loren talk about quite often. That is because it offers vital insights into your link profile, Trust Flow, anchor text, and much more.


This is a must-have for businesses looking to improve their local SEO. Loren particularly likes their “Local Rank Tracker”, which allows you see how your business ranks in any location.


You will hear this tool mentioned in a lot of our webinars simply because it is so useful. The offer an advanced keyword research tool, allows you to perform in-depth analysis of your competitors, and  provides deep link analysis.


This enterprise-level SEO platform gives in-depth reporting and analysis to help you discover opportunities you might be missing.


This optimization tool helps you measure and convert local traffic. It also helps you find erroneous listings, which can be a huge problem for many businesses.

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Join us as we explore case study examples of data campaigns that have driven hundreds of links from the press. We’ll also be examining how these campaigns were executed to earn authoritative links and mentions, which are critical for SEO.

Category SEO Webinar
Danielle Antosz

Danielle is the former Features Editor for Search Engine Journal and the producer of SEJ Marketing Nerds podcast. She lives ...

Understanding Dynamic Google SEO

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