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#SEJThinkTank Recap: 5 Super Simple Ways to Dominate PPC Keyword Research


On Wednesday, June 15th, 2016, Erin Sagin of Wordstream joined SEJ Think Tank for a sponsored webinar about how to dominate keyword research for your PPC campaign. If you are just using Google’s KeyWord planning tool, you will want to watch the full recap of Erin’s presentation. She gives tons of tricks and tools to make your keyword research much more effective.

If you are just using Google’s KeyWord planning tool, you will want to watch the full recap of Erin’s presentation. She gives tons of tricks and tools to make your keyword research much more effective. She also spends a good 20 minutes answering questions from attendees.

A few tips she mentioned:

  • There is nothing wrong with good-natured spying on your competition
  • Be savvy when using Google’s KeyWord planner
  • Keep regional dialects in mind
  • Search query reports can be a gold mine for keywords

Watch the Full Recap:

View Erin’s Slides:

Erin mentioned a few tools and resources during her presentation. Here they are:

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Image Credits: Featured Image Created by Paulo Bobita 

Category Webinar PPC
Danielle Antosz

Danielle is the former Features Editor for Search Engine Journal and the producer of SEJ Marketing Nerds podcast. She lives ...

#SEJThinkTank Recap: 5 Super Simple Ways to Dominate PPC Keyword Research

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