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#SEJThinkTank Recap: Google Analytics Tips for Web Publishers


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On Wednesday, March 18th, the #SEJThinkTank gathered for a presentation by Slobodan Manic, CTO of Search Engine Journal. The webinar was moderated by Brent Csutoras, Chief Social Media Strategist, and included a 15 minute moderated Q&A session.

Google Analytics Tips for Web Publishers

Slobodan covered how web publishers (which is just about everyone!) can use Google Analytics to track what visitors do once they land on their page. Do they bounce off? Do they click through to the next page? Do they sign up for a newsletter? Slobodan shows how using Google Analytics can help you uncover weaknesses on your site so you can improve and convert more visitors. Watch the full video below: Or, view his slides on SlideShare:

Links/Tools Slobodan Mentioned

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Hacks To Earn 1000+ High Authority Links From US Media With Digital PR

Join us as we explore case study examples of data campaigns that have driven hundreds of links from the press. We’ll also be examining how these campaigns were executed to earn authoritative links and mentions, which are critical for SEO.


Category SEO Webinar
Danielle Antosz

Danielle is the former Features Editor for Search Engine Journal and the producer of SEJ Marketing Nerds podcast. She lives ...

#SEJThinkTank Recap: Google Analytics Tips for Web Publishers

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