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#SEJThinkTank Recap: Building Business Cases for #SEO with Keith Goode


Visit our #SEJThinkTank archive to listen to other SEJ Marketing ThinkTank webinars.

On Wednesday, May 20th, the SEJ Think Tank was joined by Keith Goode, CEO of seoClarity. His presentation, titled Building Business Cases for SEO, was moderated by Loren Baker, the founder of SEJ, and included a lot of in-depth information for both in-house SEOs and those working for agencies.


Keith’s presentation answered a lot of questions SEOs have, including:

  • How do I get executive buy-in for SEO initiatives?
  • How do I prove ROI so our finance department will give me the budget I need?
  • We don’t have the money to do everything, how do I prioritize our SEO tasks?
  • Do I need to be worrying about mobile right now? (Maybe not!)
  • How do I get my team interested in training? (Hint: free food helps)
  • What is the best way to make sure my team knows what I am doing, and what the benefits are for our brand?

Tools Keith Mentioned

During the Question and Answer session, Keith mentioned a few resources and tools.

For learning about SEO: 

SEO Tools:

You can watch a full video of Keith’s presentation here:

Or, you can view his slides here:

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Hacks To Earn 1000+ High Authority Links From US Media With Digital PR

Join us as we explore case study examples of data campaigns that have driven hundreds of links from the press. We’ll also be examining how these campaigns were executed to earn authoritative links and mentions, which are critical for SEO.

Category SEO Webinar
Danielle Antosz

Danielle is the former Features Editor for Search Engine Journal and the producer of SEJ Marketing Nerds podcast. She lives ...

#SEJThinkTank Recap:  Building Business Cases for #SEO with Keith Goode

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