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#SEJThinkTank Recap: 6 Ways To Increase the Life of Your Content with Kelsey Jones


This past week, the SEJ ThinkTank was joined by our very own Kelsey Jones, Executive Editor of Search Engine Journal, for a 45-minute webinar about how to increase the life of your content through repurposing. Kelsey walked us through several examples and gave strategies to use if you want to give more life to your brilliant content ideas.

After her presentation, she and SEJ Founder Loren Baker answered questions live from the audience.

Takeaways from Kelsey’s Presentation

Coming up with good content ideas is a struggle for many marketers. Kelsey’s presentation gave strategies for getting the most out of your content by repurposing your content in multiple mediums. This is a really effective way to provide your audience with valuable content on a regular basis. Here are a few highlights from her presentation:

  • Convert written content into video or audio files to reach more people.
  • Publishing in different formats is really effective, and research shows you can increase engagement by providing content in multiple formats.
  • Make sure to adjust your content to each format for best results.
  • Consider partnering with other publications to increase your reach through syndication. (And make sure to use canonical links, so you don’t run into duplication issues.)


Kelsey mentioned quite a few resources during her presentation, which I shared in the live chat box. Here they are again for your reference.

Slideshare: Great place to post slides and get more mileage out of your presentations.

Jon Loomer’s website: Kelsey offered this as a good example of repurposing content.

More Information on Canonical Links: Using these types of links will help you avoid duplication issues when you syndicate your work.

Medium: A great place to post articles from your own site to increase their reach.

Business2Community: Another place that often syndicates posts.

Canva: Use this tool to create snazzy graphics when you are on a tight budget.

Rev.com: The site we use to transcribe our podcasts.

View Kelsey’s Slides:

Watch the Recap Video:

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Hacks To Earn 1000+ High Authority Links From US Media With Digital PR

Join us as we explore case study examples of data campaigns that have driven hundreds of links from the press. We’ll also be examining how these campaigns were executed to earn authoritative links and mentions, which are critical for SEO.

How to Increase the Life of Your Content

Featured Image: Created by Paulo Bobita 

Category Content Webinar
Danielle Antosz

Danielle is the former Features Editor for Search Engine Journal and the producer of SEJ Marketing Nerds podcast. She lives ...

#SEJThinkTank Recap: 6 Ways To Increase the Life of Your Content with Kelsey Jones

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