If there is anyone in the search marketing world who has mastered the art of branding yourself over the past year, it is Social Media Marketing Mastermind Neil Patel.
I first met Neil at Search Engine Strategies San Jose last year where he was speaking for the first time on using Wikipedia for SEO and brand building. Since then, his popularity has boomed via adding more speaking engagements to his resume, actively becoming a figurehead for social media, launching a radio show with his business partner Cameron Olthius, and contributing to many blogs and growing Cam’s and his own blog, Pronet Advertising (now a Technorati Top 100 Blog).
Now Neil is sharing the secrets of successfully branding yourself with his new blog, QuickSprout.

About 6 months ago, no one in the online marketing industry knew about me yet in the last few months I have been covered in multiple trade publications such as the Wall Street Journal. I’ve also had job offers of six figures that would have let me finish college and work from home. A six figure income isn’t enough to retire on by any stretch but at 21 years old these aren’t bad offers at all.
With a bit of hard work and a few other tricks, you can become a rock star in your industry and get the reputation that makes money.