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Page Changes Monitoring: How to Stay Ahead of Google

This is a sponsored post written by SE Ranking. The opinions expressed in this article are the sponsor’s own.

Have you ever been in any of these situations?

  • You are an SEO. Your client makes changes to important on-page SEO elements, like removing keywords from the title, but doesn’t let you know ahead of time. Subsequently, ranking positions suddenly drop and you have no idea why it’s happening.
  • You are a PPC specialist. Your content manager makes changes to website content that you’ve meticulously optimized for a specific campaign, but forgets to give you a heads up. Your PPC-campaign suddenly sucks and you don’t understand why.
  • Attackers hack your website. They make changes to the code or links which greatly affects your website rankings. The site gets penalized by Google. Meanwhile, you are peacefully sleeping though all of it.
  • Your competitors are outsmarting you at every step. You can’t figure out why and what’s working for them so fabulously.

All of these potential problems are easily eliminated when you can track the changes made to the webpages before Google notices and indexes them. 

There are not many tools on the market today that monitor any webpage, regardless of whether it’s your site, your clients’ or even the competitors’. 

One of those tools is SE Ranking’s Page Changes Monitoring. It alerts users about any modifications and updates that were made on the pages you are monitoring. This prevents severe consequences from search engines helping to stay ahead of the indexation and possible penalties and improves communication between teammates and with the clients.

Why It’s So Important to Use the SE Ranking Page Changes Monitoring Tool

  1. It allows you keep up with any unexpected modifications that might affect your ranking positions before they are indexed by the search engines.
  2. It prevents the decrease in relevance and score because of the unauthorized changes in the content.
  3. It helps you enhance the security of your site from hacker attacks.
  4. It gives you a well-detailed analysis and view on what’s happening on your rivals’ sites.

Let’s take a close look at this feature to find how the SE Ranking page changes monitoring works and what are the advantages.

First of all, you need to add all pages you want to monitor using the tool. You can enter pages manually, import the file in xls, csv and xlsx formats or just select from the list of URLS that went through a detailed website seo audit.

SE Ranking keeps track of all the key SEO elements (title tags, meta tags, HTTP responses (301, 404), headlines, robots.txt files), inbound and outbound links and all content changes on your web pages.

If you want to monitor the changes of the certain web pages, you can use the following tags:  <-! Start_Monitor -> and <-! End_Monitor -> and insert it in the code of those pages you want to track.

The tool also allows you to customize the scanning frequency (every day, once in 3 days, once a week, once a month, within selected days, on demand) and get notifications via email or the in-system Notification Center.

You can also create groups of pages that are in focus and let users know you want to monitor the content. In the end, the tool provides you with the overall picture of any web pages modifications over the course of 6 months and see all things added or deleted by the user. You can also easily review the history of changes over different periods of time.

Final Thoughts

SE Ranking is crucial for SEO experts, webmasters and agencies keeping them informed about any changes on any pages they want to keep an eye on. The best thing about the tool is the ability to get instant notifications about all changes before search engines indexes them that can prevent you from massive losses in rating, funds, hacking or possible search engine penalties. 

Check how it works and try it completely free, with no credit cards involved. Top rankings everyone and happy monitoring!

Image Credits

All images by SE Ranking. Used with permission. 

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Page Changes Monitoring: How to Stay Ahead of Google

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