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New Marketing Ideas, Strategies & Channels For 2022

Learn how to focus your digital marketing efforts and improve KPI tracking and communications for the year ahead.

New Marketing Ideas, Strategies & Channels For 2022

Feel like you can never generate enough leads or track the right metrics?

Want to take your marketing campaigns to the next level but are overwhelmed by all the options?

We can help.

On December 1, I moderated a sponsored webinar presented by Bill Rossell, Chief Sales Officer of 1SEO Digital Agency.

Rossell shared the most effective channels to focus on next year and the metrics to improve sales, leads, and ROI.

Here is a quick recap of the webinar. For more details, complete the form to access the entire webinar.

Marketing Techniques To Consider in 2022

The marketing world is ever-evolving and always growing. In 2022, you’ll have a variety of platforms to promote your products or services.

However, with more options comes new challenges.

Don’t worry!

These tips will help you decide which strategies to consider in 2022.

Tip #1: Marry Your Paid & Organic Strategies

In Rossell’s experience, organic traffic has always been the most reliable traffic source for their clients’ sites.

Combining keywords, core web vitals, content marketing, and link building results in a good user experience, increased traffic, and increased conversions.

However, should you abandon your paid strategies when your organic traffic is doing well?

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Tip #2: Incorporate Modern Channels & Strategies

The more diversity you have in your overall marketing platform, the greater audience you’ll be able to reach.

For example, you’re already familiar with the following:

  • Google Ads.
  • Google Local Service Ads.
  • Google Screen.
  • Facebook Ads.

However, you should also explore these channels and strategies for 2022:

  • Remarketing to connect with people who have previously visited your website but did not convert.
  • YouTube Video Ads, which are an excellent opportunity for your brand to nurture the purchasing decision with the right ad at the right time.
    Get Instant Webinar Access – Learn How To Better Approach Video Content & YouTube Advertising →
  • Branded Video Content to amplify your current search campaigns.
    A website is 53 times more likely to reach the 1st page of Google if it includes video.
  • A Mobile-First Mindset, which will help keep your content relevant and discoverable for 2022.
  • Attribution Reports, which will play a vital role in understanding how your viewers are jumping between platforms before they decide to convert.
  • Google Display Network enables you to connect with potential customers who aren’t actively searching for your product or service.
New Marketing Ideas, Strategies & Channels For 2022Screenshot from 1SEO, December 2021


Tip #3: Track These Metrics

The data you’ll get helps you gain better insight to strategize your campaigns, understand conversions, and understand ROI.

Make sure you keep track of these metrics in the coming year:

Organic Search

Paid Search

  • Return on ad spend.
  • Conversion rate.
  • Cost per click.
  • Click-through rate.
  • Impression share.
  • Quality score.

The ability to monitor platforms and the proper metrics will help you make informed decisions.

These informed decisions should lead to more successful campaigns.

Key Takeaways

  • Combine your paid & organic strategies.
  • Incorporate the following channels & strategies:
    • Google Display Network
    • Remarketing
    • YouTube Ads
    • Branded Video Content
    • Attribution Reporting
    • Mobile-friendly Marketing
  • Know the right metrics to measure with reporting tools that track ROI.

[Slides] New Marketing Ideas, Strategies & Channels For 2022
Here is the presentation:


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Hacks To Earn 1000+ High Authority Links From US Media With Digital PR

Join us as we explore case study examples of data campaigns that have driven hundreds of links from the press. We’ll also be examining how these campaigns were executed to earn authoritative links and mentions, which are critical for SEO.

Image Credits

Featured Image: Best Pixels/Shutterstock & Paulo Bobita/Search Engine Journal

SEJ STAFF Heather Campbell Director of Marketing at Search Engine Journal

Heather has over 20 years of industry experience and is the Director of Marketing at Search Engine Journal. Having worked ...

New Marketing Ideas, Strategies & Channels For 2022

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New Marketing Ideas, Strategies & Channels For 2022 [Webinar]