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Google: One Country Closer to Running the World

Google is more than a dominant player in the U.S. Market: They’re the player to look at, and the one that every group is trying to appeal to. Even with the combined efforts of Bingahoo, Google still has more than two-thirds the market share, and a long list of additional properties that beat out competitors (YouTube being the most prominent among those). However, the picture in the U.S. and the picture everywhere else on the world isn’t identical. In many areas, Google is neck-and-neck with other search sites, and in a few regions, Google hasn’t made it to the top spot.

Well, we can add one more number one position for Google as of this month. Search Engine Land reports that the Czech Republic now favors Google, although by a narrow margin; the different Google search sites available in the region turned up with 47.2% of the market share, compared to 45.5% from “Seznam,” the leading competitor. At the beginning of 2010, Google actually trailed Seznam by 20%, but managed to turn this around thanks to television advertising.

What this means is that there are only five more countries which Google needs to conquer in order to run the top search alternative around the globe. Here are those five countries and their current search.

  • China, where Baidu leads and Google has stepped out — for now.
  • Japan, where Yahoo leads — but where Google will soon be providing the Yahoo search results.
  • Taiwan, where Yahoo has the number one spot.
  • Russia, where Yandex leads the race.
  • South Korea, where Naver is the search engine of preference.

Of course, there are some regions where there simply aren’t reports which indicate who’s in the lead (comScore and other reporting groups simply don’t take the time), but of the 40 countries commonly reported on, Google now leads in 35.

Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...