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Google Gets Into The SEO Consulting Business

Google Gets Into The SEO Consulting Business

Twitter went wild today on rumors that Google decided to actually begin offering SEO consulting services.  There’s even a couple articles out that make this ridiculously dumb claim in their titles, and yet it’s all due to a post on a Norwegian AdWords blog, which does NOT say that Google is getting into the business of SEO Consulting, nor as one article claimed, getting into the business of Validating SEO work.

At one point people started ranting about getting tested by Google like they offer for AdWords.  Can you imagine?  “Certified SEO Professional”?

The English translation that is relevant to this panic-riddled rumor:

After the success with siteclinic on our spanish webmasterblog, we´ve decied to do something similar for the Nordic markets. A site clinic is where we go through the website you submit, provide feedback on them and share tips on how they can improve.

Hello People.  Where in that statement does it say that Google will either be offering SEO consulting services or certifying SEO consultants?

Site Clinics are NOT SEO Consulting services.  And just because a clinic MAY either validate that previous SEO work was done properly, to one extent or another, that does NOT translate into the notion that Google is going to be certifying anyone in our industry for SEO.

Please – let’s all get a grip, pay attention to the facts, and chill out.

Alan Bleiweiss has been an Internet professional since 1995, managing client projects valued at upwards of $2,000,000.00.  Just a few of his most notable clients through the years have included PCH.com, WeightWatchers.com, and Starkist.com.  Follow him on Twitter @AlanBleiweiss , read his blog at Search Marketing Wisdom, and be sure to read his column here at SearchEngineJournal.com the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month.


Category SEO
Alan Bleiweiss Forensic SEO Consultant at Alan Bleiweiss Consulting

Alan Bleiweiss is a Forensic SEO audit consultant with audit client sites from medium scale to world class enterprise. He ...