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How to Find Freelance Clients [Webinar Recap]


Are you a digital marketing freelancer and looking to be more successful? Are you  a freelancer who is thinking about taking the plunge to go full-time as a freelancer but aren’t sure if you have the clients to make it happen? Last week, SEJ ThinkTank hosted a webinar for you!

If you missed out, I have a full recap, including a full video recording, below.

Danielle Antosz, SEJ’s Features Editor and a full-time freelancer, joined SEJ ThinkTank to talk about finding freelance clients, how to know when to take the jump to full time, and what client red flags you need to keep an eye out for. If you are looking for ways to succeed in freelancing, there are plenty of insider tips that you can learn from her presentation.

Freelancing Takeaways

  • If you are still looking for the perfect time to venture into freelancing, know that there will never be a perfect time, nor will there ever be a perfect amount of money in the bank. You just have to do it.
  • Make use of the available resources to find jobs:
    • Job Boards
    • Check out hiring platforms
    • Referrals
  • Pay attention to red flags, and know when to say no. Don’t do something you aren’t comfortable doing.

Freelancing Resources  Mentioned

Throughout the webinar, Danielle mentioned many resources, including podcasts, blog posts, and sites to look for leads. Here is a list of those links:

Watch the full video or listen to her podcast

Watch the Video Recap 

View Danielle’s Slides 


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Join us as we explore case study examples of data campaigns that have driven hundreds of links from the press. We’ll also be examining how these campaigns were executed to earn authoritative links and mentions, which are critical for SEO.

Meg Cabrera Sales Operations Analyst at Search Engine Journal

Meg is part of SEJ’s team based in Manila, Philippines. She is responsible for managing sales operations, order fulfillment, and ...

How to Find Freelance Clients [Webinar Recap]

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