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Cyber Monday Spending – Heaviest U.S. Online Spending Day in History

comScore just reported Cyber Monday reached $1.25 billion in online spending, which is up 22 percent versus Cyber Monday 2010. They report that this represents the heaviest online spending day in history and the second day on record to surpass the billion-dollar threshold.

Shopping at Work Stats

comScore also reported that those shopping at work accounted for 50% of Cyber Monday pending and that half of the money spent online at U.S. Web sites originated from work computers. Other stats included those buying from home 43.2 % and those buying at U.S. Web sites from International locations 6.6% of sales.

For more information see comScore’s press release.

Category SEO
Melissa Fach SEOAware

Melissa is a Sr SEO Analyst at Cox Enterprises, a marketing consultant and the owner of SEO Aware, LLC. Melissa ...