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British Searchers Use More Than One Search Engine

British Searchers Use More Than One Search Engine

Via Pandia, a new study out from Harvest Digital shows that searchers in the UK are not tied down to just one search engine. More from the article:

“According to a study from the British marketing company Harvest Digital only 24 percent of British searchers use only one search engine.

Surprisingly as many as 20 percent use four or more search engines. Only 22 percent reports that one search engine can supply all the information they need.

The respondents normally blames themselves for search failure. 36 percent claim that they fail because of the use incorrect keywords, and 32 percent argue that they were looking for information that was too specialized.”

To me this is very interesting because I’ve found quite the opposite to be true via informal polls and surveys of my About Web Search readers. But I’m hoping that this attitude – that one search engine is just not enough – will catch on to more searchers here in the States. In my opinion there’s just too many useful search tools and services to be tied down to just ONE search engine: the more the better, I say.

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Wendy Boswell is the Editor for About Web Search and part of the New York Times Company.