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Bing Looks Over Searchers’ 2010 Resolutions

Ah, the end of the year: A time for us all to gather with our families, put together feasts of various kinds, and, of course, reflect on all the New Year’s resolutions we failed to meet. It’s a tradition, after all, to both make and completely fail to live up to a variety of major objectives. In preparation for this time, Bing is looking over the search trends from January of this year to gain insight into what people were aiming for over the last twelve months

In a post on their official blog, Bing compared the trends of searches in January of 2010 to similar searches for months prior, giving an accurate image of what people were thinking about — and researching — more. The big winner, as always, was losing weight. Bing shows that searches for calorie counters, BMI (body mass index) charts, and just plain old “calories” climbed up.

Second, and likely working in tandem, was the objective to get into better shape. While it only had about half as much interest as losing weight, a lot of users were still looking for exercise equipment, exercise plans, and gyms.

And, coming in third, Bing searchers wanted to pursue an education in 2010. Searches related to attending classes or going back to school increased by nearly twenty-five percent in January of this year, showing us that users cared about fine-tuning both their bodies and minds.

Were any of these goals a part of your resolutions? How did you do? Even if you didn’t quite make it this time, 2011 is just around the corner, waiting to be conquered. Plus, the Bing blog also brings us a nice consolation prize: a free song download, available to users until the new year officially rolls in.

Category SEO
Rob D Young

Rob has been insatiably obsessed with Google, search engine technology, and the trends of the web-based world since he began ...