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Microsoft to Serve Local Video Ads on Online Video Network

Microsoft announces that it will be delivering video ads solution to the Online Video Networks of the Associated Press. Using its MSN Video product, Microsoft has reached an agreement with Atlas AdManager to develop a system whereby AP media member and customer websites can now sell local video ads on their sites. This is the first major step taken by Microsoft’s newly formed Advertising and Publishing Network since the AQuantive acquisition by Microsoft.

The new ad serving platform will provide Microsoft publishers with new avenue where they could opt to put their advertisements. The AP Online Video Network provides high-quality, in depth reports from worldwide news agencies, and has an average of 61 million page views. With this web audience, serving ads in video format would spell some good returns for Microsoft.

Karl Siebrecht, Atlas president, was very happy to have reached an accord with Microsoft and created an advertising solution that is beneficial to both companies.

“Video advertising is growing in popularity, and the ability to attach local ads to local content is something that customers like the AP are seeing as a tremendous competitive advantage for their business, This solution for AP is a great example of several Microsoft® teams coming together to deliver real value for a customer, and we are thrilled to have created this solution for one of the most dynamic news agencies on the planet.”, says Siebrecht in a Microsoft press release.

Director of online video for AP, Jessica Hawk said in the press release that their advertisers are constantly looking for new and innovative ways of engaging their users online. “The ability to attach local ads to local content via this new solution from Microsoft is a big step forward in our capabilities to deliver the type of experience that we believe will drive deeper engagement, increased value and ultimately loyalty for end users, while also driving additional ad revenue for our affiliate sites.”, says Hawk.

This deal would certainly have a great impact on Microsoft’s advertising program. Video advertising could prove to be a very profitable niche for Microsoft’s Advertising and Publishing Network program.

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