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#MarketingNerds: How to Successfully Integrate SEO Into Your Website

In this #MarketingNerds episode, Carolyn Shelby of Tribune Publishing talks about switching website platform without hurting your SEO rankings.

#MarketingNerds: How to Successfully Integrate SEO Into Your Website

Visit our Marketing Nerds archive to listen to other Marketing Nerds podcasts!

Carolyn Shelby, Director of SEO at Tribune Publishing, joins SEJ Executive Editor Kelsey Jones for today’s podcast to talk about switching website platform without hurting your rankings. They delve further into the common mistakes people make when making a content management system (CMS) overhaul.

In this episode of Marketing Nerds, they cover: shutterstock_220240366

  • How to redirect old URLs to new ones properly, and why it is important
  • The best CMS to use when switching to a new platform
  • Whether site developers should go out of their way to acquire SEO experience/knowledge
  • Recommendations for businesses planning to migrate their website

To listen to Marketing Nerds with Carolyn Shelby of Tribune Publishing and Kelsey Jones:

Think you have what it takes to be a Marketing Nerd? If so, message Kelsey on Twitter, or email her at kelsey [at] searchenginejournal.com.

Visit our Marketing Nerds archive to listen to other Marketing Nerds podcasts!


Featured Image: Created by SEJ
In post photo: Rawpixel via Shutterstock

Aki Libo-on

Aki is a content strategist, marketing consultant, and former assistant editor of SEJ. When not at work, she is busy ...