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Google to Stop Selling Nexus One Online

Five months after it started selling Nexus One  via its online store, either Google finally realized that this is probably not the best way to distribute its smartphone or the smartphone is not really selling at all.  So, Google just announced that it will stop selling Nexus One on its web store. No, Google is not abandoning the Nexus One, but will just utilize other ways of distributing the phone. You know? The way Apple is selling the iPhone or other Android phones which are being release through mobile carrier retailing.

The Official Google Blog tells us:

While the global adoption of the Android platform has exceeded our expectations, the web store has not. It’s remained a niche channel for early adopters, but it’s clear that many customers like a hands-on experience before buying a phone, and they also want a wide range of service plans to chose from.

With that, Google is implementing the following changes:

More retail availability. As we make Nexus One available in more countries we’ll follow the same model we’ve adopted in Europe, where we’re working with partners to offer Nexus One to consumers through existing retail channels. We’ll shift to a similar model globally.

From retail to viewing. Once we have increased the availability of Nexus One devices in stores, we’ll stop selling handsets via the web store, and will instead use it as an online store window to showcase a variety of Android phones available globally.

Will this encourage mobile carriers to carry the Nexus One now? Will Verizon change its mind and finally decides to offer the Google Nexus One?

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Arnold Zafra iPad News

Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...