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Google AdSense to Serve YouTube Promoted Videos

The Inside AdSense blog has just announced that AdSense will now be serving YouTube Promoted Videos.  These YouTube videos will appear in various regular AdSense ad formats and are different from the regular YouTube videos ads which streams ads as videos and are considered as image ads.

These promoted videos feature movie trailers, product demos and other videos that are being promoted by their creators to reach a wider audience. And what better way to reach a wider audience other than serving them as AdSense units.

The YouTube Promoted Videos will feature thumbnail image with three lines of text that when clicked by user will bring them to YouTube to watch a video or view a YouTube channel. Promoted Videos can appear as your regular AdSense units such as – 300×250 Medium Rectangle, 336×280 Large Rectangle, 728×90 Leaderboard, 250×250 Square, and 200×200 Small Square. In addition, these ads will compete in AdSense’s standard ad auction and advertisers will have to win the ad auction for their Promoted Videos to appear on your websites running Google AdSense.

For AdSense Publishers, YouTube promoted videos are additional way of earning AdSense revenues. Promoted Videos are running on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis and are contextually targeted to your websites’ theme and content.

If you don’t want Promoted Videos to appear on your websites you can always add Youtube.com to your AdSense account’s Competitive Ad Filter.

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Arnold Zafra writes daily on the announcements by Google, Ask.com, Yahoo & MSN along with how these announcements effect web ...