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Video Advertisements Delivering Results on Media Sites

Video Advertisements Delivering Results on Media Sites

I can’t stress enough how important video is becoming to online marketing campaigns. I’ve been blogging a bit on video, especially after the Future of Online Advertising conference, which showed the tools and resources which will come out to make online video a more powerful advertising tool than it is now.

A report by the Online Publishers Association, shows online video ads are leading to sales. The world is adapting and understanding Web 2.0, which video is becoming one of its most powerful components.

OPA reports, “The study shows the value of video ads on quality content sites, finding that consumers are more likely to act on ads they see on media sites, versus portals or user-generated content (UGC) sites.

Over one-third of consumers on magazine (38%), newspaper (37%), and online-only news (35%) sites say they have searched for more information after watching a video ad, while about one-quarter did so after watching an ad on a portal (27%) or UGC (24%) site. About one-quarter of consumers on magazine (29%) and online-only news (26%) sites went into a store to check out a product after viewing a video ad, while only 17% on portal sites and 14% on UGC sites did so. About one-in-five consumers on local broadcast TV (21%), national broadcast TV (19%) and cable TV (19%) sites requested more information after viewing a video ad, while only 16% on portal and 14% on UGC sites did so.”

Online Video Ads

Online Video Advertisements

Online video is becoming an incredible branding tool online through the web. Video editing software such as Windows Movie Maker or Apple’s movie editing software has made it easy for a business to make a decent video commercial to promote or sale a product.

Pablo Palatnik is Managing Partner of eTrend Media Group, which specializes in Pay-Per-Click Management & Social Media Optimization.

Category SEO
Pablo Palatnik

Pablo Palatnik is the author of the blog PalatnikFactor, focusing on all things Online Marketing and Search Engine Optimization specialist ...